Monday, March 25, 2013

Can You Spare Any Change?

This week's in-class assignment: Create positive change...go! Those are pretty much all of the instructions we received before being thrust into the world with one partner and one hour to accomplish our task. Eric and I had a quick brainstorming session while walking across campus, disposing of ideas for free hugs, High Street trash clean-up, and a free lunch giveaway along the way. We decided to capitalize on Eric's outgoing nature (as well as his set of glistening golden pipes) and set out to find a place with lots of people and no easy escape route. Chipotle proved to be the perfect destination. Our goal was to brighten people's days and remind them of how blessed we all are to attend such an amazing University by signing Carmen Ohio as a group. We got a number of people to join in, and definitely left that Chipotle a happier place. Check it out...

Because my singing makes people want to cry in agony rather than smile with happiness, my preferred method of creating positive change was through their stomachs. After spending a little time in the Union, we headed to the nearby UDF to buy a bag of candy. Well... UDF doesn't sell bags of candy so instead, we made a strong investment by purchasing a $1.79 box of Oatmeal Cream Pies. It took a lot of self-control to not eat one of these childhood favorite snacks on the spot, but luckily we made it to the Resource Room in the Union with a full box to share. I put all of my energy and spunk on display as I gave away these delectable goodies to anyone that would take them off my hands. This “random act of kindness” certainly did not go unnoticed, even for those that did not want an OCP, with lots of smiles being shared as I walked out of the room. I hope these onlookers took our advice and spread some of their happiness to others, thus increasing the impact of our positive change. 

Oatmeal Cream Pay-It-Forwards

Our last attempt at creating positive change did not go as well as we had hoped... We brought the other members of our class in on our secret, and decided to sing another rendition of Carmen Ohio on a bus back to class.  Well, these CABS riders did not feel the desire to join us in song like those in Chipotle had (or maybe we are just really, really bad singers) but at least we had fun doing it. I am hopeful that these people were at least smiling on the inside and that they realized, if only for a minute, that life isn't all that bad :)

CABS Full o' Carmen 

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